Using Callbacks


Callbacks can be defined to take decisions over the optimization process while it is still running. Common callbacks includes different rules to stop the algorithm.

The callbacks are passed to the .fit method of the GASearchCV class.

When the callback condition is met, we should see a message like this and the model must stop. It will keep all the information until that training point.


Now lets see how to use them, we’ll take the data set and model used in How to Use Sklearn-genetic-opt. The available callbacks are:

  • ConsecutiveStopping

  • DeltaThreshold

  • ThresholdStopping


This callback stops the optimization if the current metric value is no greater that at least one metric from the last N generations

It requires us to define the number of generations to compare against the current generation and the name of the metric we want to track.

For example, if we want to stop the optimization after 5 iterations where the current iteration (sixth) fitness value is worst that all the previous ones (5), we define it like this:

from sklearn_genetic.callbacks import ConsecutiveStopping
callback = ConsecutiveStopping(generations=5, metric='fitness')

Now we just have to pass it to the estimator during the fitting

# Already defined GASearchCV instance, y, callbacks=callback)


This callback stops the optimization if the absolute difference between the current and last metric less or equals than a threshold.

It just requires the threshold and the metric name, for example using the ‘fitness_min’ value:

from sklearn_genetic.callbacks import DeltaThreshold
callback = DeltaThreshold(threshold=0.001, metric='fitness'), y, callbacks=ConsecutiveStopping)


It stops the optimization if the current metric is greater or equals than the define threshold.

For example, if we want to stop the optimization if the ‘fitness_max’ is above 0.98

from sklearn_genetic.callbacks import ThresholdStopping
callback = ThresholdStopping(threshold=0.98, metric='fitness_max'), y, callbacks=ConsecutiveStopping)

Define Multiple Callbacks

You can also specify more than one callback at the same time. The way to define it is by passing a list of callbacks in the .fit method.

Then the estimator is going to check all the conditions in every iteration, if at least one of them is met, the callback will stop the process

from sklearn_genetic.callbacks import ThresholdStopping, DeltaThreshold
threshold_callback = ThresholdStopping(threshold=0.98, metric='fitness_max')
delta_callback = DeltaThreshold(threshold=0.001, metric='fitness')

callbacks = [threshold_callback, delta_callback], y, callbacks=callbacks)

Full Example

This example uses a ThresholdStopping and DeltaStopping callback It will stop if the accuracy of the generation is above 0.98 or if the difference between the current generation accuracy and the last generation accuracy is not bigger than 0.001

from sklearn_genetic import GASearchCV
from import Categorical, Integer, Continuous
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn_genetic.callbacks import ThresholdStopping, DeltaThreshold

data = load_digits()
label_names = data['target_names']
y = data['target']
X = data['data']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()

params_grid = {'min_weight_fraction_leaf': Continuous(0, 0.5),
               'criterion': Categorical(['gini', 'entropy']),
               'max_depth': Integer(2, 20), 'max_leaf_nodes': Integer(2, 30)}

cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=True)

threshold_callback = ThresholdStopping(threshold=0.98, metric='fitness_max')
delta_callback = DeltaThreshold(threshold=0.001, metric='fitness')

callbacks = [threshold_callback, delta_callback]

evolved_estimator = GASearchCV(clf,
                               verbose=True), y_train, callbacks=callbacks)
y_predict_ga = evolved_estimator.predict(X_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_predict_ga)

print("accuracy score: ", "{:.2f}".format(accuracy))