Custom Callbacks

sklearn-genetic-opt comes with some pre-defined callbacks, but you can make one of your own by defining a callable with certain methods.

The callback must be a class that implements the __call__ and on_step methods, the result of them must be a bool, True means that the optimization must stop, False, means it can continue.

In this example, we are going to define a dummy callback that stops the process if there have been more that N fitness values bellow a threshold value.

The callback must have two parameters: record and logbook. Those are a dictionary and a deap’s Logbook object respectively, with the current iteration metrics and all the past iterations metrics. You can choice which to use, but both must be parameters on the on_step and __call__ methods.

So to check inside the logbook, we could define a function like this:


def on_step(record, logbook, threshold):
    # Not enough data points
    if len(logbook) <= N:
        return False
    # Get the last N metrics
    stats =[(-N - 1):]

    n_met_condition = [x for x in stats if x < threshold]

    if len(n_met_condition) > N:
        return True

    return False

As sklearn-genetic-opt expects all this logic in a single object, we must define a class that will have all this parameters, so we can rewrite it like this:

class DummyThreshold:
    def __init__(self, threshold, N, metric='fitness'):
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.N = N
        self.metric = metric

    def on_step(self, record, logbook):
        # Not enough data points
        if len(logbook) <= self.N:
            return False
        # Get the last N metrics
        stats =[(-self.N - 1):]

        n_met_condition = [x for x in stats if x < self.threshold]

        if len(n_met_condition) > self.N:
            return True

        return False

    def __call__(self, record, logbook):
        return self.on_step(record, logbook)

So that is it, now you can initialize the DummyThreshold and pass it to a in the fit method of a GASearchCV instance:

callback = DummyThreshold(threshold=0.85, N=4, metric='fitness'), y, callbacks=callback)

Here there is an output example of this callback:
